Anyway last night Academy Awards presentations in my opinion, it was the most entertaining in years, cos last year presentation I was so bored, and this year it didn't seem that long,neither so boring.
Thought Anne Hathaway did a nice job as presenter, James Franco got a bit shadowed by her, but did ok, and the presenters of each award were with a nice sense of humor, without the necessity of dropping weird and un tasteful jokes ( as they usually do).
My mantra for the night worked in some categories, as it failed completely in others, however I was happy enough that The Social Network did not win for best picture, and the award for best picture definitely convinced me to watch The King's Speech, which ironically enough in a list of best picture mainly formed by depressing/sad films, the winner was one with a lighter subject and full of a wit humor and a sense of achievement ( that was taken from an article), it means there is still hope for happy dramas.
Inception received a good dose of technic awards, and it just broke my heart a bit when won TRON in Sound Editing, which btw was the only nomination TRON received. But the award that truly broke my heart was the one for best Original Song, all the 4 nominated songs were great and I truly liked them, the one I liked the least was the theme for Toy Story 3, and that was the winner, the thing is, that the song just didn't touch my heart as all the others did, and Randy had won before, so that was the bummer of the night for me.
I was really happy with the choices for Lead Actor ( Colin Firth)/Actress (Natalie Portman) and Supporting Actor ( Christian Bale)/Actress ( Melissa Leo), all of them are great actors; but will confess that I gave a huge scream when they announced Natalie Portman, and believe me sorry neighbors ,cos it was 4 sth am in London, but I honestly loved her work in The Black Swan, and am becoming a fan of her acting,specially cos she tends to play very different roles.
Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock, did such a nice job introducing the best lead actresses and actors, in a very fun and respectful way, will finish this post with the videos of those 2 amazing actors ,presenting this years Best Lead Actor and Actress .
Enjoy !!!